Saturday, 28 March 2009

Why Bilston Has The Heart Of The Black Country

I love Bilston, not for any local black country landmarks or historical events that happened here... cuz there wor any!!

I love Bilston because of the folk that live there, What makes it the heart of the black country is the warmness of the people and the sense of overriding community. If yow'm ever passin', pop into the olde white rose or the Trumpet pub, n' yow'll ear the old 'uns cantin on about the old days over their pork scratchings. Or they'll tell you about the chippie with the orangest chips in the land "Majors Chip shop".

Only thing is, if yow stop for a minute, yow'll be here for ages cuz we con talk the hind legs off a bonk oss!

Theres a famous tay shirt that sums us up. It says "aah Bilston - it's all gravy"

Cheers aer kid...Av a boster!